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Monday, July 21, 2008

My personal view..

After putting up my blog for about 2 months, I realised that it is actually doesn't depict the real picture of me. I am actually quite a old fashioned and conservative guy. And yet I went thru and paid for a course in creating a blog. I guess, may be I wanted to portray a different side of me in a state of anonymity. Some may called it a sign of lacking in confidence while I may called an avenue to be someone else in a different environment.

But now I realised, if we are not careful in what we wrote in our blog or "digital public diary", personal issues may well be, unintentionally, a public discussion topic. Be it relationship issues, office matters, family matters and so on. Unless you want it to be, I think personal issues should well be kept within closed circle of trusted aquaintance. My point is, why put up issues that only reflect the weaker side of oneself and let your character be trampled upon with unconstructive comments? The way I see it is that, if you need the world to solve your personal problem, my view is you need to be careful of what people would think of you.

My comment may be wrong, given the "infant period" that I am in within this new platform. But then again, it is a platform for me to express my personal view rite.. or is it not?


Blogger - said...


Yup. If you do tend to want to share with others your personal thoughts, and there is that itch to do so online... and you own a "business blog", I recommend you doing another blog solely to let yourself go.

However you can actually fuse your blog with personal thoughts too if you kinda brand it like an online magazine... so in this case, the people whom you're targeting to your site are not of a certain age grp or people who like your products or what.... its by lifestyle.

You attract people who can relate to your lifestyle.

Depends again on what is the objective of your blog. It took me about 4 blogs to the pt where I think I'm getting it right. ;) Learning curve this blogging + business thingy. All the best.


July 22, 2008 at 12:53 PM  
Blogger anuar said...

Thks bro.. for your input. I guess it boils down to why you create the blog in the first place. Be it business, leisure, hobby and so on. And I am not surprised if one is to create more than one blog just to get the right platform that suits his or her passion. Personally, what I felt the most important thing is,.. to do anything with passion from within... If writting a blog becomes a chore.. then you need to give yourself a break..As I think it will show in the words written..

July 22, 2008 at 8:45 PM  

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