Face it!!!! get a life...

Its been about 4 months now since I sign-up for the Facebook Account. And I have to admit that I dont really enjoy it that much... except for the fact that it managed to get me in touch with friends that I have not been in touch with for donkey years, automatically via the email addresses... other than that its just not appealing to me. And for that matter, those friends that I have not been in touch with are just those that I dont to be in touch with in the first place. Like this respond I got from the Facebook "Auto-get-in-touch-with-your-friends-thing"... "OOiii!!! Mr Anuar, welcome to Facebook, BTW, what happen to the logo design you promise me 2 years ago huh...!!!"
And I ask myself why would I want people to know what I am thinking and doing now.., unless I am terribly, lifeless that I need the netcitizen, to be my critics and give me their lame comments..
Ok, thats it I am going to quit Facebook and got to start to "Face Myself"...