Is this iPhone for you...??

Its out now... the new iPhone 3GS. Its very very much better then the predecessor. With a better battery life, video capability, MMS, Cut & Paste option, enhanced Camera and a 32gb storage... I guess it getting closer to being a complete mobile device. After using the 16gb 3G iPhone for nearly a year now, I am quite pleased with all the enhancement. It really covers all the grievances that an existing iPhone user like myself are facing now. And with better pricing package, I am pretty sure there will be alot of crossover user from other makes that will be getting their hands on the new iPhone. Thats Apple, placing another nail into the coffin of all the other makers of the mobile devices.
But what I am concerned about are users that just cross over for the wrong reason. Let me explain, I have had met more than 6 users who have tried their hands on the iPhone 3G and revert back to the other makes. Their feedback was that it is difficult to use and not as advanced as the other makes in the market. But after personally talking to them, my personal conclusion is these guys are just not suitable for the iPhone. Yes, the iPhone is for everyone but not everyone are suited for the iPhone. How I derived to my conclusion? Well for one, most of these guys dont even bother to setup their iTunes account. Without this, how are you able to appreciate all the fantastic apps? Second, they are just not into emailing and web browsing, when iPhone are basically created with this in mind. Thirdly, most them are PC users,., this is where they find it a little disoriented with Apple Operating platform. And at the end of it, most of these guys are just not IT savvy enough to appreciate the technology that iPhone is putting in their hands.
So my advise to those that are thinking to crossover to the iPhone... Please look at your lifestyle closely... make sure you know what you want from the devices before you commit into something that you will regret later..