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Location: Singapore

just one in a billion...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Got to be here again

My loved for Port Dickson can never fade away. The sun, sea and the variety of food is always something to look out for. And it not too far away to drive from Spore. Even though some people are saying that you can get a similar experienced or better in Terengganu, but the distance travelling is something that have always put me off. My last trip to PD was a little short. Well come to think of it, it was never enough. And I realised this time the locals here are getting more enterprising, there seems to be more sea activities for the visitors. Thats good. Atleast it shows that they are more proactive it making the place a memorable venue to stay and have a good time.

My family do enjoy the scenic view of the sunset. Especially my daughter, she is like me. She loves the serenity of nature's beauty at it best. My boys seems to loves the water activities, the pool, the seas, canoeing the rustic outdoor dinner by the beach.

Got to be here again soon. And try out another hotel by the beach..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Take That" You iPhone Suckers!!!

Its nice to see for once the consumer are now at the helm of the pricing war. Be it the launching of the iPhone or the rights to the BPL soccer channels, the service provider are now turning ups and downs in trying to find the best marketing plan so as to woo subscribers over. With names like Flexi-lite, iPhone Value, Power value etc etc..

But I got to admit, M1 seems to comes out with a very peculiar marketing plan that seem to stands out from the rest. Its called "Take 3". And the reason for Plan name is: 1. take a phone, 2. take a plan and 3. take it home.. thus: take 3... How lame can you get..,-.- Ok all you guys at M1.. go an "Take 5" before you ever comes out with another plan like this. And the worst part of it, after going thru the details and waiting for half an hour for a customer service to answer my queries, the plan really sucks. I would just "Take it Back". M1 should just name the plan "Rent-de-iPhone-Service". Okay, the catch is good.. take the iPhone for $0.. yeah FREE!!!!... Only to be informed that you have to return it after the contract ends... Huh ??? ITS NOT YOURS TO CALL YOUR OWN... its the first kind of Plan here..!!! Unique right!!!...:( Well.. "Take that" to all those iPhone suckers... You kena "Take by M1" this time..